Bakampa Brian Baryaguma
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, 1992 (hereinafter, the FCCC),
in the preamble thereto, has acknowledged
climatic change as ‘a
common concern of humankind.’[1]
Climate change knows no boundaries
because its effects cut across and transcend borders. Mr Hakan Altinay has
rightly observed that,
There is no other force that has made national borders as porous as climate change, because emissions from different parts of the globe go to the same atmosphere and have the same consequences. Even the most powerful country cannot insulate itself from the effects of climate change. Climate change is a paradigm case for our global interdependence.[2]
change basically results from changes in climate, which refers to the weather
conditions of a place or area such as conditions of rainfall, temperature, wind
and humidity.[3] Climate
change is defined under Article 1(2) of the FCCC as ‘... a change of climate which is attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere
and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over
comparable time periods.’[4]
It also ‘... refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural
variability or as a result of human activity.’[5]
Climate change essentially represents unusual or abnormal variations to the
expected climate of an area and its subsequent effects on other parts of the
earth over a long period of time.
of Climate Change
change results from many factors like human activities (otherwise known as
anthropogenic factors), which amplify levels of greenhouse gas (GHG)[6]
concentrations and emissions, as well as natural changes in the internal and
external dynamic processes of the earth. Over the years, countries have emitted
significantly amounts of GHGs which have resulted in global warming, leading to
climate change. By 2010, Japan and Saudi Arabia for example, had emitted a
total of 1298.888 and 542.0966 Mt CO2e
Impact of Human
activities are the most probable cause for the rapid changes in world climate. Some
of them include the following:
Land Use
land use practices like bush burning and clearing for
agriculture i.e. crop growing and animal rearing, cause land degradation.
Eventually, they result in emission of GHGs
into the atmosphere, thereby contributing significantly to climate
cutting down of trees exacerbates water run-off, thereby undermining erosion
control, resulting in causing and accelerating climate change in the long run.
Impact of Natural
changes in the internal and external dynamic processes of the earth alter the
energy balance of the climate system, by negatively affecting the absorption,
scattering and emission of radiation within the atmosphere and at the earth’s
Some of them include the following:
in sunlight intensity amplify GHG levels, leading to increased temperature that
destabilizes and affects global weather patterns, which culminate into long
term climate change.
level rise
level rise increases damage from coastal flooding, thereby contributing to
losses of coastal wetland and mangroves.[9]
of Climate Change
are several drastic consequences of climate change on people and the natural
environment, including the following:
Land Infertility
change has affected the suitability of land for crops, livestock and pasture. There
have been reductions in rainfall, leading to increased temperatures. These have
resulted into long severe droughts, which in turn have precipitated conflicts
among people for arable and grazing land.
Water Scarcity
has caused an acute scarcity of water for agricultural, commercial and domestic
use. Specifically, shortage of water for agriculture causes declines in food production,
hence resulting in rising food prices that affect poor people the most.
Trans-boundary Pests
and Diseases
and diseases have historically affected animals and plants depending on their
geographical location, but today, climate change is altering their distribution
through changes in weather conditions like temperature and moisture, such that pests
and diseases which were initially unknown in some areas are now there.
of Climate Change
very challenging, climate change is not a mind boggling problem. It can be
solved through a range of adaptation and mitigation responses.[10]
Adapting to the impacts of climate change reduces our vulnerability to weather
and climate related events like floods, droughts and storms, while mitigating the
impacts of climate change by reducing GHG emissions, reduces the rate and
magnitude of change.[11]
As discussed below, we need to promote the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
and in particular, the following adaptation and mitigation options and/or
strategies should be embarked on and implemented in various sectors of our economies.
Promoting the Clean Development
The Clean Development Mechanism is
envisioned in the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, aiming
to promote sustainable development in countries through projects that reduce GHG
emissions.[12] We
should mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change by decoupling carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions from economic growth.[13]
Adaptation Options and/or Strategies
We can capitalize on, for instance, the
following areas in the respective sectors: water – efficient water-use and
irrigation; agriculture – improved land management e.g. erosion control and
soil protection through tree planting; infrastructure and settlement – land
acquisition and creation of marshlands/wetlands as buffer against flooding; energy
– use of renewable sources. [14]
Other Mitigation Options and/or Strategies
We can capitalize on, for instance,
the following areas in the respective sectors: energy – improved supply and
distribution efficiency; transport – more fuel-efficient vehicles; agriculture
– restoration of cultivated peaty soils and degraded lands; forestry – planting of trees to act as carbon sinks.[15]
change threatens to decimate mankind. But we can take charge of the situation –
individually and collectively – by doing everything within our power, to adapt
to and mitigate its impacts. Mr Hans Joachim Schellnhuber has rightly noted, that
‘it is not the sufficient contribution that is needed, but the necessary
Together, we can manage climate change.
Notes and References
[1] United Nations, FCCC/INFORMAL/84, GE.05-62220 (E) 200705.
[2] In his introductory
remarks of week 4 of the Global Civics lecture series on climate change.
[3] A.S. Hornby, with
A.P. Cowie and A.C. Gimson, Oxford
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (1983), at 155.
[4] United Nations, supra note 1.
[5] Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change
2007: Synthesis Report (2007), at 30.
[6] The
following are greenhouse gases (GHGs)
as per Annex
A of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change: carbon dioxide (CO2); methane (CH4);
nitrous oxide (N2O); hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons
(PFCs); and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), the most important of which
is carbon dioxide, according to the IPCC, supra
note 5, at 36. These gases trap infra red radiations
from the earth’s surface and reflect it back to the earth, thus warming it.
They behave like a greenhouse, hence the name greenhouse gases.
[7] World Resources
Institute, Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (2013), available online at
[8] Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, supra note
5, at 37.
[9] Ibid., at 33.
[10] Ibid., at 56.
[11] Ibid.
[12] The Kyoto Protocol is a follow-up of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992. It calls on industrialized
countries to take the lead in protecting the climate system. Article 3 (1) states that, ‘The Parties
included in Annex I shall, individually or jointly, ensure that their
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of the
greenhouse gases listed in Annex A do not exceed their assigned
amounts....’ The Protocol mainly concerns developed countries, since developing
countries are not bound by formal emission requirements, although it
appreciates that effectively addressing climate change will eventually require
a global effort, such that it calls upon parties thereto to engage developing
countries in controlling future emissions. Hence, Article 10 of the Protocol for
instance, empowers all parties thereto, ‘taking
into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and their
specific national and regional development priorities, objectives and
circumstances,’ to, among others, under paragraph (b), ‘Formulate, implement,
publish and regularly update national and, where appropriate, regional
programmes containing measures to mitigate climate change and measures to
facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change.’
[13] International Energy
Agency, World Energy Outlook, 2012, at
243. The IEA finds that, ‘Sluggish economic growth, high unemployment and
limited access to cheap capital pose immediate hurdles to decisive action on
climate change mitigation.’ Ibid.
[14] Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, supra note 5,
at 57.
[15] Ibid., at 60. The International Energy Agency, supra note 13, at 254, shares the view that fuel economy and
greater biofuels use will be the overall most important mitigation measure in
the transport sector in 2035.
[16] In his lecture
remarks of week 4 of the Global Civics lecture series on climate change.
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