[It is said
that dreamers are achievers. Therefore, I, BAKAMPA BRIAN BARYAGUMA, imagined
that I were the speech writer of the United Nations Secretary-General (or
better still, the UN Secretary-General himself), tasked to write a speech to be
delivered before the UN General Assembly, based on Article 28 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, with particular emphasis on mutual rights and
duties arising from our growing global interdependence. Below are my ideas.]
Opening Remarks by the United Nations Secretary-General, at the Opening
Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Humanity: Shared Lives, One Destiny
On 10 December 1948, the United Nations
General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This landmark document declares
fundamental human rights and freedoms to be legitimately claimed by people
everywhere, from their fellow human beings elsewhere, including the creation
of, ‘... a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set
forth in this Declaration can be fully realized,’ as enshrined in Article 28 thereof. Apparently, the framers of the UDHR foresaw
a dependent and interconnected world, under our mastery. Since rights and responsibilities are
correlative, the UDHR accordingly stipulates mutual rights and
responsibilities, particularly towards our non-compatriots.
For these reasons – our growing
interdependence, giving rise to mutual rights and responsibilities, leading us
to one destiny – I entitled my speech, Common Humanity: Shared Lives,
One Destiny. I highlight
our global connectivity, necessitating global creativity, to generate global
views, for tackling global challenges.
International Trade
Historically, trade is inextricably wound up with all
social aspects – politics, economics and culture. The power of the market to empower
people and lift them out of poverty is well established. In our age, trade’s
historical role is hampered by inbuilt exploitative mechanisms within
multinational trading systems.
We should therefore, establish an effective, efficient
and fair international trading system that augurs well with our global
interconnectedness, by eliminating these and more impairments to progress of
the world’s poorest regions. Proper regulation is critical, because the 2008
global financial crisis teaches us that without regulation, markets are bound
to waver and turn disastrous.
Climate Change
Climate change threatens our existence on earth and
remains a common concern of humankind, as
acknowledged in the preamble to the 1992
United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change. It hinders
future economic growth and increases chances of pandemics.
We must be conscious of global warming, due to carbon
emissions that deplete the ozone layer and poison the atmosphere.
Industrialization should be regulated, other human activities like poor land
use and deforestation avoided.
Everyone should make the necessary contribution to stabilize
climate, basing on equal rights for all, using available options – clean development mechanisms, adaptation and mitigation technologies.
Global Economy and Finance
The global economy has flourished for the last two to
three decades, notwithstanding the chilling 2008 global financial crisis. Low
income countries are part of this trend, for the first time. This show of
remarkable broad based convergence is welcome, because global cooperation will
be more meaningful if a majority of our global citizenry feel its benefits. To
continue this trend, we need very strong macro-economic performance, with a
vast mature cycle of savings, investments, growing trade and macro-economic resilience.
Equally important is more coordination, disclosure and transparency.
But these changes in the global economy should be
reflected in its governance arrangements. Under-representation of low income
countries on international decision making bodies puts them in a
disadvantageous position and marginalizes them. This problem should be
addressed by increasing their representation on major institutions like the
International Monetary Fund, by reducing the membership of over-represented
regions like Europe.
Pandemics pose great risks to our health, security and
humanity. We need to maintain public trust and confidence in the capacity of our
health authorities and systems to effectively manage and contain diseases.
Fortunately, there is improved disease surveillance today.
We are better equipped to deal with pandemics. Nevertheless, capacity challenges
We need a more balanced
approach to these truly globalized
risks; first, tighten the International Health Regulations (2005) and other regulations; second, enhance global action to
enforce the regulations; third, step-up international coordination of
institutions, particularly with the World Health Organization; and fourth, address disease mutations and drug resistance on intensive farms.
Nuclear Arms
Nuclear weapons are a menacing reality, constantly threatening
global security. Humanity is truly increasingly imperilled by its own actions. We
must urgently cease nuclear proliferation. Nuclear-weapon states should destroy
their nuclear arsenals, while non-nuclear-weapon states should refrain from
acquiring nuclear weaponry.
The only fundamental requirement is a consistent
renunciation of nuclear armoury as a matter of principle. As a practical
matter, it is impossible to battle nuclear weapons and, at the same time, use them
to further our own interests. I invite all states to sign and adhere to the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Values in an Interdependent World
We live in a
world of great diversity, numerous differences and characterized by competing
individual and group interests, which may be sources of tension and conflict,
if poorly managed. Our global
interdependence should therefore, be shaped by certain minimum values, to serve as safety
valves against excessive tendencies.
The golden rule, which advocates kindness
to one another, offers an acceptable universal standard: the need to satisfy
other people’s needs, as the primary way our lives can acquire significance and
connect to something greater. While
we cannot help everyone, everyone can help someone. That way, we
shall advance our global wellbeing.
Global Governance and Global Public Goods
global dependence and interconnectedness is premised on non-excludable and
rivalry-free interstate structural belongings and mechanisms available to the
whole world or a significant portion of it.
known as public goods, the internationally acknowledged ones include, strengthening
the international trading
system; tackling
climate change; enhancing
international financial stability; preventing the emergence and spread
of infectious disease; achieving
peace and security; and generating
to limited international capacity, which leaves room for free riding, with no
significant costs to free riders in terms of wealth and sovereignty, many
challenges are involved in providing these universal necessities. I call upon
all states to cooperate fully in ensuring their adequate provision.
Global Inequality
The world is extremely unequal, due to the exclusive European
and North American concentration of the economic benefits of peace and
stability, following the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the beginning of the industrial
revolution, both of which facilitated phenomenal wealth creation. The effect of
this exclusion today is extreme global inequality, which, though declining, is
still acute enough to hinder future economic growth.
Easing migration of people from poor countries to rich
countries, where there are more incomes, will tackle global inequality. This
will globalize Europe’s and North America’s impressive growth by facilitating worldwide
income redistribution and enable the emergence of a global middle class.
Global Poverty and Development
Poverty and underdevelopment are still high. Reductions
in global inequality do not mean obvious decrease in global poverty. Your
Excellencies should do more to eliminate rampant poverty.
The last two to three decades witnessed remarkable global
economic growth, which marked extraordinary reduction in global poverty,
particularly in China and other East and South Asian countries, which
registered startling success in this regard, having lifted millions of people
out of poverty at unprecedented levels. These countries’ development models
should be closely studied and emulated, albeit with necessary modifications.
What Europe and Japan needed for rapid development, soon
after the destruction caused by World War II – improved human capital,
effective public institutions, industrial and technological progress, and global
consumer markets – is needed for the economic growth and development of developing
countries today.
Responsibility to Protect
The world has suffered numerous horrendous conflicts. Usually,
concerned states were either unwilling or unable to halt the suffering caused
to innocent people, yet the world community looked on helplessly, influenced by
Westphalian indifference,
post-UN Charter institutionalized non-interference, and the 1990s humanitarian
intervention consensus-free ideology.
Subsequently, however, world leaders devised mechanisms
for strategic intervention in internal state matters, notably humanitarian intervention, the responsibility to protect and the responsibility while protecting, to save
civilians from the scourge of war.
Today, we are obliged to prevent and stop human suffering
everywhere on the globe.
Global Justice
There is growing interconnectedness in global crimes like
terrorism and their horrible human rights violations and atrocious breaches of international
peace and stability.
We should do everything possible to guarantee
international justice, peace and security by jointly prevailing upon
international crime. The International Criminal Court (ICC) will be very
helpful in this regard, and deserves total support. With its establishment, enormous
progress has been made. Justice and peace are not only compatible, but
justice is actually an important factor in restoring peace and security.
I therefore, request all
states to cooperate with the ICC through adequate funding and surrendering accused
persons to it upon request, while continuously improving their national
judicial systems.
Individual persons are no longer mere spectators in the
myriad of international developments. They make meaningful contributions in the
multilateral arena. The United Nations should enlarge this forum for individual
participation in global affairs.
While Article 28 of the UDHR enshrines this as a right
for our people everywhere, it accordingly enshrines it as a responsibility for
their leaders. I invite Your Excellencies to honour this obligation, in order
to realize its corresponding right.
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